Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Judah Turngren Robinson is our new baby brother.He is so cute. he is up all night. He is so sleepy he sleeps almost all day. We got at the hospital a little after 7 at night and were there until 12:00 we watched tv and played games. Then my dad came in and told us it was a boy. I love Judah.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Isaac. I know you are an awesome big brother and will love Judah as much as you love your other brothers. Love, Grandma

N.T.Jordan said...

CONGRATS! That is so cool that the baby was a boy. Mordecai wanted Judah to be born on the 20th instead of the 19th ( mostly because the 20th is his birthday).
I love his name! Judah sounds like a Robinson! I hope he is doing well at home.
