I wrote a story for a contest. This is it - enjoy!
Once upon a time a king lived far, far away in a castle next to a river. And only five miles away lived a dragon, and it was very hungry all the time. The people had to feed their sheep and cows and sons and daughters to the dragon. So the people got together to fight the dragon. In the end they had about 10,000 people that could fight.
So they went to fight the dragon, but the dragon had more power then they thought…he burned them all to coal. The king needed help and fast, but the people could not think of what to do. But the queen knew what to do. So she told the king and the king agreed.
He called his knights and said, “Call other kingdoms and see if they will help us”.The knights went to see if other kingdoms would help. But when the people heard about the dragon burning the other knights to coal, they shook with fear…all but one. He was 18 and knew how to handle a sword, ax, and shield. He went before the king, but the king laughed and said, “This is a boy. I sent for men, but since you are here, show me your skills”.
After he did, the king asked, “Are you hungry?” The boy said “yes”.So the king invited him to a big feast that they where having that night. There were ices, meats, cakes, and lots of other stuff.
After the feast he invited the king’s daughter for a walk and they walked around the whole kingdom. Then he left her after saying goodnight and went to bed.
When he woke up, the king said “Stay here for a while and rest before you go back”. But he said, “I will kill the dragon”.
“If you do, you will get what ever you want”, said the king. The queen was doubtful. She said “but you are only a boy. Your parents will worry”.
“I have no parents”, said the boy.
“Then we must send you back”, said the queen.
“I’d rather die then go back, for my father died fighting and my mother also”.
“Very well”, said the king. “I will knight you. Would you like that?” he asked.
“Oh yes”, the boy answered.
So the king made him kneel and after he had knighted him he said “Rise knight of the king."
So he was given the king’s armor, but after he was dressed in his armor he came in front of the king and said, “This armor is too clumsy for me; I’d rather be in my own armor”. So he dressed in his own armor and he went to fight the dragon.
They fought. The boy was winning, but the dragon was breathing fire against him. Yet every time he blocked the flames with his shield. His shield was almost gone, just as he was able to stab the dragon in the heart with his sword.
When he got back to the castle, the king was amazed and said “What do you want for killing the dragon?”
“I want to marry your daughter”, said the boy. The king agreed and they lived happily ever after.
Book Review: The Brothers Karamasov
7 years ago
This is a good story! Is it for the Vision Forum contest?
This is great, Isaac! I just read it to DJ & he loves it, as well:-) Keep up the good writing!
Great job, Isaac! Love, Grandma
You are welcome.
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